Friday, November 7, 2008


The GOP wasted little time in demonstrating it learned nothing from Tuesday's election.

At its nadir (not Nader) the Republican party's showing it'll need a while before figuring out what to do next.

For all those hoping the Conservative base of the party will step in and bring sanity to the Right, sorry.

The demonizing of Sarah Palin is in full swing. From the "going Rogue" press leaks to the Shopping Gate fiasco Republican insiders seem prepared to hand out the sticks and keep the Palin-ata swinging.

Are there party leaders (Palin herself) who believe Governor Pit Bull could become the pop-star to unite a humbled minority party? You betcha.

Still, the world's most famous hockey mom probably feels like the actress hired to portray her in the funniest post-election video on the web. "Office Linebacker" Terry Tate knocks Palin out of her Jimmy Choos during her interview with Katie Couric.

Would you put it past Karl Rove to send a blitzing linebacker on an unsuspecting candidate?

After you're done laughing at the video, ask yourself, just for the sheer sake of political balance: who will bring sanity back to the Right?

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