Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great Expectations

Bill Johnson said he had to give in Tuesday night.

Rochester's former mayor had planned to find his favorite living room chair in his city home and, in blissful isolation, watch history unfold, legal pad and pen in hand, recording the moment in the way only a trailblazer can.

Instead, Johnson figured it wouldn't be all bad to share the unbelievable moment of the presidential election with a few friends.

Before he hosted his small Election gathering, Johnson joined R News' Decision 2008 coverage, shared his enthusiasm for the probable history Barack Obama was on the verge of making, and said for all those who believe Obama can make sweeping cultural change by his mere presence as the nation's first black president: "I think people should just chill out."

Johnson knows how great expectations can be. As Rochester's first black mayor , people believed his being black would help solve what some saw as problems that threatened the city's African-American neighborhoods.

"I soon learned that you needed consensus, and approval. Those are the same things he will need, should he be elected," Johnson said.

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